Upside Kids Blog

Stay up to date with the latest news from us here at Upside Kids including helpful, educational blogs and updates on what’s happening in and around the clinic!

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Neck Pain in Children

  • Upside Kids Physio & Health

Neck pain is a common complaint among children, neck pain and stiffness can either cause restricted movement or cause an...


Gold Coast Community Fund

  • Upside Kids Physio & Health

We have some heartwarming news to share! The incredible generosity of the Gold Coast Community Fund has already helped a...


Early Intervention & Neuroplasticity

  • Early days

What is early intervention and why do paediatric physiotherapists emphasise this? Early intervention in the NDIS refers to the period...

Child on climbing frame

Growing Pains

  • Early days

What are growing pains? Growing pains actually have nothing to do with GROWING! The mechanics are poorly understood, however they...


Normal Variations of Childhood Development & When to Consult a Paediatric Physiotherapist

  • Early days

As parents and caregivers, it’s only natural to be curious and sometimes even concerned about our child’s development. The question...

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Sports Development Program

  • Exercise
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  • Exercise Physiology

Here at Upside, we are a service provider located on the Gold Coast that offers Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology services...

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Learning to Ride a Bike

  • Bike Skills

Let’s talk about learning to ride a bike. This can be a tricky time for children as bike riding is...


What is a Paediatric Exercise Physiologist?

  • Exercise Physiology

You may have noticed that one of our newest team members, Brit, is an Exercise Physiologist, so let’s have a...


How Much Exercise Does Your Child Need?

  • Exercise

Physical activity, we all know it’s important, but how much exactly should our kids be getting?   Firstly, let’s understand...

Tummy Time Tips & Tricks

Tummy Time Tips & Tricks

  • Early days

Hello again! We’ve partnered up with our friends over at Hey Mumma Co. to share some tips on tummy time...

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Join The Upside Team!

  • Upside Kids Physio & Health

Paediatric Physiotherapist – Full Time & Part Time Position Available We are on the hunt for a spectacular, highly motivated...

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Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children

  • Early days

One of the things your midwife, child & family health nurse and doctor will check for after birth, in your...

Baby Holding Positions

6 Different Baby Holding Positions

  • Early days

Being a new parent can have it’s challenging and confusing moments. All of a sudden, you’ve got a tiny human...

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Removing the Training Wheels

  • Bike Skills

See below a step by step guide to ditching the training wheels! Training Wheel Balance  To increase the balance challenge...


Sitting Positions and Development

  • Early days

Sitting – Why Not to W Sit Did you know that sitting is considered to be one of the first...


Choosing the right allied health professional for your child

  • Upside Kids Physio & Health

If you have been searching for a perfect fit for your child’s allied health professional and you are getting frustrated,...


Navigating Assistive Technology within the NDIS

  • NDIS

What is Assistive Technology (AT)? NDIS Australia explains assistive technologies (AT) as “… the physical support of something that assists you in...


What Types of Services Does Upside Kids Physio & Health Offer?

  • Upside Kids Physio & Health

“I offer a full service physiotherapy business in order to meet the needs of my clients,” Britt Brymer. One of...

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